Friday, 4 January 2013

Weight Loss Update

So, I know this probably isn't the first subject on everyones mind just after Christmas! From all the over eating and yummy food and new years resolutions which we know we'll never keep to, who wants to think about weight loss?! But the reason I'm writing this post is because it was around this time last year that I decided to embark on my weight loss adventure...

During the last year, I've lost around 3 and a half stone. You may think this is a good-average weight loss, but honestly, I feel like a failure. I've not even tried. I've not stopped eating cake. I love cake. I still eat Mcdonalds breakfasts at weekends. And some week days. And i've eaten alot of chocolate over Christmas.

I know alot of people do not agree with the use of weight loss tablets, or diet tablets, however I must fully put down my weight loss to tablets.

This blog will be more of a round up of my opinion on the weight loss options I've tried this year, how I feel they've gone, and if they're truely worth it....


I started taking Orlistat around this time last year. I have a prescription for 3 months supply and everything was going well. I was really sticking to the diet, mainly out of fear, and although my results weren't amazing, they were working. Perhaps I expected miracles, and these aren't a miracle. Good, but not a miracle. I think it also depends on how much weight you have to lose, because I've heard from people who have taken these and lost stones within the first month of two of taking it.

Then the dreaded Orlistat shortage came. I had my new prescription, but no where had orlistat. I searched every pharmacy I could find. I become a pharmacy fiend. Because I have to travel so much, every town I went in, i was on it. I was searching down every pharmacy within a 10 mile radius. I was looking for the tiniest pharmacies no one even knew about! But to no avail....

Which is why I began taking....

Lipobind / Litramine

I started taking this, mainly because it offered the same promises as Orlistat, but in a more natural, friendly way. I do have another post about lipobind on my blog, if you wish to read more!

Another thing which made Lipobind attractive was that it was £12 on Amazon for a 2 week - 1 month supply (depending on how many times a day you take it) and that is a relatively low price point in comparison to other weight loss tablets.

To me, this didn't feel as if it was doing as much as Orlistat. It seemed like I was just taking a vitamin supplement, which had a very, very odd odour. I also feel as if this gave me bad breathe, but maybe this is an unfair judgement and I was just concentrating too much on the smell of the product.

I felt it was a good product, and could work for some people who maybe wanted a more natural, gentle alternative. But unfortunately, as soon as I got the call from the Chemist to say Orlistat was in, I went back. And I'm very glad I did.

So, I've been taking Orlistat again now for around 3 months, and along with a trip to Brazil where it was just far, far too hot to eat, I've lost 3 and a half stone. I'm fairly happy with this result, but don't feel as if i've done enough. I think it may be called for the dreaded exercise...

Another thing i'd like to introduce to you is....

Sea Kelp

I've been taking sea kept (in the 400mg form, with added calcium) for around 4-5 months now. Sea Kelp is not necessarily for weight management, but also has shown signs of helping with hair and nail growth. This is a natural product, and so there are no real clinical trials to act as evidence, but I do feel as if it helps me. I feel my hair does grow alot quicker, and feels healthier. My nails seem to break less. I'm not sure how much of my weight loss can be put down to this, but they are an excellent source of Iodine, which can help thyroid function and in turn, increase metabolism, helping you burn more fat.

You can purchase it from Amazon, here.

How has your year gone? Do you have any new year resolutions?
