Friday, 16 October 2015

Weight-Loss : Week 1

So, I've made it to Friday with no Wifi for nearly 2 weeks! I know, I know, I can't believe I've made it myself.

Todays blog will be week 1 of my weight loss diary as promised, so I've weighed myself bright and early this morning, and also taken a few snaps so that we can see my progress through the weeks.

So without any further ado, I'd like to announce that my current weight this morning was...


I had to stare at this number for quite a few moments before I believed it. How could I have possibly put on so much weight in so few years? How is this possible? I know I've only had a baby 12 weeks ago, but surely I've not been eating that much??

Alas, after weighing myself several different times through the day, I was forced to believe the truth. My weight at the start of this journey is 122.5kg. I have a long, long way to go.

So here we have the standard front view and side view. Please excuse the mess, we've only just moved to everything is in boxes, and please don't judge me that in 6 months time, the room will look exactly the same.
I am also considering at this stage to start taking Orlistat again to help kickstart my weight-loss, however if there are any good supplements any of you are taking, please feel free to share the secrets!
If you would like to join me on this weight-loss journey, please comment or message me and we can help support each other. More the merrier!
On a side note, I will be making a fashion post soon on some of the items I've been loving right now, one of which I'm wearing in the above picture. They're the Evans Super Stretch Skinny Jeans with the ripped knees, which I absolutely love. I will also make a post on the most amazing nail polish I've been using, please note toes above....
Until next time, B x


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